Dear Downton Abbey & Andover Fans,
We are really excited about the upcoming fabric lines, and can’t wait for the start of the new season of Downton Abbey.
Once again, Ebony Love of LoveBug Studios will be hosting a mystery quilt along to celebrate the fabric and the show. Last year’s quilt along attracted nearly 3,300 participants from 50 US states, 9 Canadian provinces, and 24 additional countries around the world. We expect the excitement to continue with the next quilt along, and we hope you’ll join us!
More information about the quilt along can be found on the LoveBug Studios Downton Abbey page, and you can sign up to get updates about the quilt along. Registration begins in September, and the quilt along starts on January 4th, 2015.
If you have any questions about the quilt along, please direct your inquiries to LoveBug Studios directly. They can be reached at
Thank you, The Team at Andover Fabrics