Alison Glass Field Day Quilt: A Guest Post By Giuseppe Ribaudo

When Alison Glass contacted me asking if I would like to make something out of her new collection, Field Day, it didn’t take much to convince me. Anyone familiar with my stash through Instagram knows just how much of a fanatic I am for deep, saturated color (and how many of my quilts include pieces from Alison’s past collections).


I had been excited about Alison’s new line since seeing the photos of it at Quilt Market this past spring. Upon seeing the spectacular photos of her booth, I began plotting what my project would be when I got my hands on some of the fabric. Much to my surprise, I didn’t need to wait too long to be able to start cutting into the gorgeous materials. My friend at Andover, Daryl, sent some of the fabric my way along with some of Andover’s new chambrays. It was kismet. The two lines were astonishing together. The balance between the bold and graphic prints of Alison’s line with the near-iridescence of the chambrays made for a perfect pairing.


I had had a few ideas for what I wanted to do with Field Day before I had received it, but once I saw the line in person and put it next to the chambrays, everything changed. I drew up some sketches of potential ideas but nothing really spoke to me.  I wanted to do something that would make Alison’s breathtaking prints jump out at you. The scale of the prints is so fantastic. To me, they begged to be kept in tact because they are so intricate and interwoven.

That’s when I took a few steps back and decided I wanted to do something simple. The colors and prints in Field Day speak for themselves. I realized I didn’t really need to do anything too elaborate because Alison had pretty much already done the work for me. That’s when I remembered I had always wanted to make a plus-sign quilt…


When I started to lay out the prints with the chambrays it really started to come to life. The solid pluses framing the vibrant Field Day ones gave the prints almost a three dimensional quality. The two lines melted together. I think the thing I love most about the pairing of Field Day and the chambrays is that the chambrays help to really pull out the very subtle use of color in Alison’s more complex prints.


When it came time to quilt, I knew I wanted to continue down the road of simplicity. I decided it best to stick with diagonal straight-line quilting, but I played a little bit with variations of how the lines were woven together. As a result, the quilted lines move in different patterns throughout the quilt. Up close I feel it makes your eyes dance just a bit from piece to piece.


I’m so grateful to Alison and the good people over at Andover for allowing me this opportunity. In addition to thanking Alison and Daryl for their help on this project, I would also like to thank Nicole Daksiewicz for helping me to take some beautiful photos of this quilt. Be sure to hop on over to her blog to check out the absolutely unbelievable things she has been doing with Field Day. Also be sure to check out Alison’s blog to see some of the incredible projects that people have been making with Field Day.


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The Max & Bunny Collection: In Stores Now


Introducing Max & Bunny, a new designer for Andover Fabrics with clean and modern designs that are sure to find a place in your next project.

Get this fabric now at your local independent quilt and fabric shop.

View a full gallery of Max & Bunny photos here.


Row By Row quilt by Vanilla Latte Quilts. Download the free pattern here.

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The Melodies Collection: Coming Soon


The enchanting Melodies collection by Jo Morton  is coming to an independent quilt and fabric shop near you this August. These delicate and colorful prints beautifully accompany Jo’s Haberdashery collection.

Check out our store locator to find both collections near you.


Starry Paths quilt by Candy Hargrove. Download the free pattern here.

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The Handcrafted Collection: Coming This Fall


The Handcrafted collection by Alison Glass is 100% handmade, created in a lengthy process that is unique to Andover. These fabrics are coming to an independent quilt and fabric store near you this Fall.

View the full collection here.

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Get Involved Now: The 2015 Downton Abbey Mystery Quilt Along


Dear Downton Abbey & Andover Fans,

We are really excited about the upcoming fabric lines, and can’t wait for the start of the new season of Downton Abbey.

Once again, Ebony Love of LoveBug Studios will be hosting a mystery quilt along to celebrate the fabric and the show. Last year’s quilt along attracted nearly 3,300 participants from 50 US states, 9 Canadian provinces, and 24 additional countries around the world. We expect the excitement to continue with the next quilt along, and we hope you’ll join us!

More information about the quilt along can be found on the LoveBug Studios Downton Abbey page, and you can sign up to get updates about the quilt along. Registration begins in September, and the quilt along starts on January 4th, 2015.

If you have any questions about the quilt along, please direct your inquiries to LoveBug Studios directly. They can be reached at

Thank you,                                                                                                                                             The Team at Andover Fabrics

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The Ice Cream Truck Is Coming: Andover Precuts Are Here

Color Collection Double Scoop

We’re thrilled to be offering a variety of precuts, starting with our bright and versatile The Color Collection by Modern Quilt Studio. Satisfy your sweet tooth with these choices:


Our precuts are industry standard sizes of 42-40-42 pieces per pack.

We’ll also be offering precuts for the following upcoming groups:

  • Caswell County by Jo Morton
  • Fresh Market Flowers #2 by Firetrail Designs
  • Dimples by Gail Kessler
  • Georgetown by Modern Quilt Studio

Stay tuned to get these at your local independent quilt and fabric shop!


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Spooky Chillingsworth Bags: A Guest Post By Erin Of Diedel*Bug Handmade


Hi, I’m Erin, the craftermind as I like to call myself (hehe) behind Diedel*Bug Handmade. You can find me on Facebook or on Etsy. I love to sew anything and everything but my real passion is custom handbags. I really jumped into my “hobby” and decided to make it my business when I made the decision to stay at home with my two young boys a few years ago. They keep me on my toes ALL DAY, but when they are at “rest” my machines get cranking. I’ve recently started dabbling in pattern making and have a couple in my etsy shop, but for the most part I make and sell my bags from patterns by Swoon Sewing Patterns. I work closely with Alicia over at Swoon. She has the most AMAZING handbag patterns. If you haven’t checked them out you are missing out!


I have a weak spot for the slightly different and offbeat fabrics so when I first saw the new Chillingsworth line I knew EXACTLY what I was going to make. So I put in my order for the handsome Mr. Chillingsworth Skeleton Dance panel and the Deadly Damask in shadow. I literally DIED waiting for them to arrive! For these bags I choose the Swoon Blanche Barrel bag and the Coraline clutch wristlet, which are two of my favorites. Now the “body bags” and I make heads roll wherever we go.


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Pearl Bracelet Fabric Boxes Tutorial – A Guest Post By Karie Jewell

PB Boxes 1

Today I am linking up with Andover Fabrics to do a tutorial for Fabric Boxes. This is my first link up and I am so excited!  I made my first fabric box with my friend Becky in March. She used the tutorial by Seaside Stitches. They were little and they are perfect for thread catches and tool holders. When I got home I HAD to make more, I HAD to make them bigger,  I HAD to make them in Rainbow colors ……and Lizzy House Tonal Pearl Bracelets and Textured Linen by Andover had just arrived on my door step…..match made in Heaven!

PB Boxes 2

Here is what you need….

2 Fat Quarters
1/2 yard Decor Bond 809
18″ x 18″ Batting
Decorative Buttons


1 – 18” x 18”  outside fabric
1 – 18” x 18”  lining fabric
2 – 18” x 18” Decorbond
1 – 18” x 18” Batting

PB Boxes 3










1. Iron the interfacing to the back of the outside fabric and the lining fabric.

PB Boxes 4










2. Make a quilt sandwich. Put right sides together of the outside fabric and the lining fabric and place on top to the batting.

PB Boxes 5










3. Using your walking foot, sew around all sides. Leave an opening along one side big enough to fit your hand in. Seam allowance doesn’t really matter; just use the edge of your foot.

PB Boxes 6










4. Clip the corners at a 45 degree angle.

5. Turn right side out and press flat.

PB Boxes 7

Have you tried Flatter by Soak? It is a starch alternative.  It doesn’t leave flakes like regular starch and it smells AMAZING! I used it at Stash Bash for the first time and I am addicted now!

6. Topstitch 1/4 inch around the edges and then quilt as desired. I went in concentric squares till I reached the center using the edge of my walking foot for a guide

PB Boxes 9

PB Boxes 10

PB Boxes 11

 7. Fold quilted piece in half and measure from the fold….up 3 1/2 inches and over 3 1/2 inches and make a mark. Connect the 2 marks with a diagonal line. Repeat for the other corner

PB Boxes 12










8. Fold in half the other direction and mark it on both corners. It will look like the above when you are done.

PB Boxes 13

9. Fold in half and sew ON the lines marked.

PB Boxes 10










10. Fold in half the other way and sew on the lines

(My manicure was done using Lizzy House Pearl Bracelet Nail Polish Set by Soak)

PB Boxes 12










11. Turn right side out. I iron along the bottom to “sharpen” the fold. Fold the top edges down and press.

PB Boxes 15










12. Stitch all 4 top corners down, stitch the inside folds in place.

PB Boxes 18










13. Embellish with buttons. I only add buttons to one side because all of my boxes sit next to each other, but you can add them to all 4 sides.

Tada! You are done! I keep fabric scraps sorted in mine….what will you do with yours????

PB Boxes 19

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Patchwork Pillows & A Fabric Giveaway

Are you a huge fan of Alison Glass?

Check out these bright Sun Print pillow shams made by Modern Sewciety, and enter to win a Fat Quarter bundle of Alison’s new Field Day fabric here.

Patchwork Shams Field Day giveaway

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The Southcott Quilt Collection: In Stores Now


The Southcott collection is inspired by a quilt of the same name made in the year 1808, probably in support of the millennial preacher Joanna Southcott. Her name, along with the date she made the quilt, is embroidered in the center. It is pieced from a variety of the most fashionable printed furnishing cottons of that period.

Check our store locator to find these fabrics near you.

2009_0009  color bar croppedDownload the free Joanna Southcott Quilt pattern here.

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