We’re delighted that you dropped by to visit our Andover Here! blog, and be a part of American Patchwork and Quilting’s One Million Pillowcase Blog Hop. Andover Fabrics is a proud sponsor of The One Million Pillowcase Challenge. Today is our turn to share some of the fun pillowcase projects we have in store for local charities.
As Marketing Director for Andover and a shop owner, I’ve seen first hand what a difference in the lives of others ANYONE and EVERYONE can make on every level, from Executive Editor Jennifer Keltner’s courageous and inventive concept of The One Million Pillowcase Challenge, to the countless hours of thousands of people, young and old from all walks of life, who donate their time, talent, money, to help brighten the day of those in need.
Jennifer, along with Advertising Director Amy Gates, made a special visit to my shop Ladyfingers Sewing Studio recently, to jump start a new “Sew For All” charity sew day that I hold each month. We made about 140 pillowcases that day, plus dozens more were shipped in by friends from all over the country.

One day, a very lovely friend and customer Vera, from Fleetwood, PA, dropped by with over 400, yes that’s Four Hundred pillowcases she made by herself for us to add to the tally! We were all speechless at the sight of this labor of love, as she dumped bag after bag of beautifully made pillowcases, and could not help but think of all the happy recipients’ smiling faces to come.
One of our most popular designers, Jo Morton, held a workshop recently where the students used leftover fabrics to create beautiful pillowcases to add to the One Million Pillowcase tally. It was a lovely effort and a wonderful way to end a weekend of sewing!

Today I’ll share a brand new Andover fabric collection with you, as I just received sample yardage of Thomas Knauer’s “Frippery” collection. We’ll use the basic Roll it Up pillowcase pattern, which is super-easy to make, and shows off this fabric to a “T”!

Here we are, almost all rolled up and ready to sew!

Are here we are, serging the seams lickety split!

And just like that, we have a lovely Frippery pillowcase!

Here’s a great free to use pillowcase pattern featuring Lonni Rossi’s French Twist collection! What a great way to show someone you care..
Here’s another fun to make pillowcase pattern that features my “Dimples” collection. In the photo you’ll see a range of some of the latest Dimple colors – would you believe we now have 154?? Choose your own rainbow to bring a smile to someone’s face! This is Pattern 26 – another free pattern download from the One Million Pillowcase Challenge site. Click on the pillowcase below to download this and all the free patterns offered! You see many examples featuring Andover Fabrics!

We hope you enjoyed visiting with us today, and look forward to seeing you again ! Be sure to make some pillowcases and share your photos with us via our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/andoverfabrics?ref=hl and visit our Pinterest boards! http://pinterest.com/andoverfabrics/
You won’t want to miss a thing, so be sure to continue the hop to visit all these great blogs listed below. Enjoy and be inspired to help us meet and exceed One Million Pillowcases!
1. Welcome from American Patchwork & Quilting (http://www.allpeoplequilt.com/blogs/apqstaff/)
2. Rashida Coleman-Hale (http://www.iheartlinen.typepad.com/)
3. Olivia and Alayna’s Pillowcase Project (http://www.allpeoplequilt.com/blogs/apqstaff/)
4. Morgan’s Smile Factory (http://www.allpeoplequilt.com/blogs/apqstaff/)
5. Pat Sloan (http://blog.patsloan.com/)
6. Northcott (http://pattispatchwork.com/)
7. Betsy Chutchian (http://betsysbestquiltsandmore.blogspot.com/)
8. Vanessa Christenson (http://www.vanessachristenson.com/)
9. Andover Fabrics (http://blog.andoverfabrics.com/)
10. Laurie Simpson (http://minickandsimpson.blogspot.com/)
11. Oak Hill, Ohio (http://www.allpeoplequilt.com/blogs/apqstaff/)
12. Robert Kaufman Fabrics (http://www.swatchandstitch.com/)
13. Pam Buda (http://www.heartspunquilts.blogspot.com/)
14. Indygo Junction (http://www.indygojunction.com/blog/)
15. 4-H (http://www.allpeoplequilt.com/blogs/apqstaff/)
16. Katie Hennagir (http://baywindowquiltshop.wordpress.com/)
17. Anni Downs (http://hatchedandpatched.typepad.com/)
18. FreeSpirit Fabrics (http://www.freespiritfabric.blogspot.com/)
19. American Patchwork & Quilting Staff (http://www.allpeoplequilt.com/blogs/apqstaff/)
20. Patty Young (http://modkidboutique.blogspot.com/)
21. Moda Fabrics (http://modafabrics.blogspot.com/)
22. Monica Solorio-Snow (http://thehappyzombie.com/blog/)
23. Moda Bake Shop (http://www.modabakeshop.com/)
24. Andover Fabrics (http://blog.andoverfabrics.com/)
25. Roseann Kermes from Rosebud’s Cottage (http://rosebudscottage.typepad.com/)
26. Ann Kelle for Shannon Fabrics (http://www.annkelle.com/category/blog/)
27. Therm O Web (http://blog.thermoweb.com/)
28. Edyta Sitar (http://www.laundrybasketquilts.com/blog/)
29. Fabri-Quilt (http://inspiredbyfabric.blogspot.com/)
30. Cherri House (www.cherryhousequilts.com)